RECIPE : Parsley Pistou
A great pistou that uses up leftover parsley – and any other herbs you may have – that will enliven a bowl of bottom-of-the-fridge soup or any other soup.
a good cupful of parsley stalks (can be frozen)and leaves if you have them
any other green herbs of choice eg thyme, basil, marjoram – one small handful only
3 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
200ml/8fl oz extra virgin olive oil
salt to season
1. Place the garlic and parsley stalks in a food processor and blitz until well chopped.
2. With the food processor still running, slowly add the olive oil. If the mixture is too thick
and stalks not broken down, put them through a strainer so that a flavoursome herb
flavoured oil results.
4. Season to taste with salt – this makes all the difference to the pistou.
3. Drizzle into soups to make them taste more exciting. Even the dullest of soups is
transformed by this pistou.
For a pesto to use over pasta, add a handful of pine nuts to the final mixture and blitz again
If you add a heavy squeeze of lemon to this pistou, it makes a good dressing too.