RECIPE : Sticky Toffee Pudding

Sticky Toffee Puddings

This recipe makes 12 individual sticky toffee puddings. At Cookery School we use small ramekins but if you don’t have these at home you can use a muffin tin.


170g dates
175ml boiling water
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
175g soft brown sugar
110g butter
2 eggs
175g flour
¼ tsp cinnamon
3 tsps baking powder
¼ tsp mixed spice

75g butter, softened
150g caster sugar
6 tbs double cream


Set the oven to 180oC/375oF.

First, butter and flour your pudding basins/muffin tins with plenty of butter and flour and place a baking paper disc on the bottom of each.

1. Chop the dates and place in a bowl. Cover with the boiling water, vanilla extract and bicarbonate of soda. Set aside.
2. Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Add the eggs to the butter and sugar, beating all the time.
4. Pour in the wet date mixture and mix well.
5. Add the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and mixed spice and mix well again.
6. Pour into pudding basins/muffin tins.
7. Bake at 180oC/375oF for 25 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.
8. To make the sauce, melt the sugar and butter in a pan. Add the cream when the sugar
has dissolved. Tip the puddings out of their basins and pour over the hot sauce.
9. This dessert is delicious served with whipped cream or real custard.

